Partying Like It's 1983

'The thing you must always remember about the American right-wing is that they are basically the baddies in a film.'

Saturday 9 January 2010

Annoyances IX - Rubbish on the news

When I sit down to watch the news, I want to see just that, news.

As in, politics, business, what's going on around the world, how far we are away from removing the human race from existence, that sort of thing.

If I wanted to hear about what happened in a reality show, then I could have quite easily watched it myself.

And don't try and end the news on a happy note. You've spent the last 29 minutes telling me about how the country has a debt that will take 250 years to pay off, i'm going to lose my job, i'll be dead by 35, the EU has introduced a law stopping me from having fun, there is a famine in the entire southern hemisphere, the state pension age is going up to 120, i'll be stabbed if I go outside, illegal immigrants are setting up camp in my garden, house prices have fallen 110%, global warming will flood my house in the next 10 minutes, terrorists are planning to blow me up and it's not even going to be sunny tomorrow.

But, you've told me about a cat that went back to it's owners old house. Well, things are alright then.



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